Saturday, July 13, 2024

flash Back - English - Ratan Stationers

 Ratan Stationers

Had to go to Ratan Stationers' 

Shop at the corner of 

Chudiwalan almost everyday

Sometimes to buy

Pencils, sometimes copies, sometimes

Erasers and sometimes 

To get pen nibs

Changed. Ratan

Babu, with silver buttons on his silk

Kurta and a gold chain hanging around his 

Neck, repaired pens. He was an expert in doing this

I would often get my and my father's

Broken pens repaired by him.

Ball pens were

Prevalent at that time.

It was not as 

Much as the pen with a nib, the nib

And ink were purchased

Separately for the pen

Ink was filled in the pen 

And then the words came down on 

The paper, these nib pens were 

Used for years and

Due to this it became a sentimental

Regarding these colorful pens, 

I used to keep them in the drawer 

Of the table or in a

Wooden box, gradually the trend of nib pens ended and 

The markets were

Filled with ball pens. 

Today, ball pens are available for five rupees. 

They are used and

Thrown away mercilessly 

And no relation remains with them

But how precious are those 

Pens whose nib and ink 

Become witnesses of my,

Poems appearing on paper.

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