Saturday, July 13, 2024

Flash Back = English = Loitering


In the lanes of old Delhi

Often loitering around

Many times without any purpose

Wandering for hours

And enjoying

The markets and fascinating people,

Entering Chooriwalan

Sometimes to New Road

Then sometimes to Jama Masjid

At that time there were

No responsibilities

Only out for a stroll,

In the lanes, on butcher shops

Hanging lifeless bodies of goats

Blood stains on the butcher’s dirty kurta

The aroma of Rumali roti and kebabs

Filling the nostrils

Tethered goats and wandering chickens

At the doors of crammed houses

Which often disappeared

From those doors after some days,

The curiosity to know

The life behind burlap curtains

How do these people live

Who are these people who devour

Their own pets.

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