Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Flash Back - English _ 84 bells temple

 84 bells temple

Katra Gokul Shah,

Just in front of

Bazaar Sita Ram,

The ancient

84- bells temple 

Is still present. 

The sound of its 84 bells 

Even today 

It still echoes 

In my ears. 

The symbol of 84 lakh births, 

The skill of playing

These 84 bells 

All together, 

Not everyone knows how to do it.

During The Evening


The Continuous Ringing Of These 84 Bells,

Listening To The Music Of These Bells

The Evening Embraces

The Night Layer By Layer

The Night Unfolds

One Bell


1 Lakh Lifetimes

84 Bells


84 Lakh Lifetimes

Only A Human

Can Journey Through

84 Lakh Lifetimes


84 Bells Together,

Convincing Themselves

Denying The Mirrors

Wearing Masks

84 Bells

Ringing Together.

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