Friday, July 5, 2024

Czech Phrases

 Proverbs and idioms:

1) Chlubit se cizím peřím

To boast with someone else's feathers

- to take merits of someone else and present them as your own

- ,,Petr sice dostal dobrou známku, ale celý domácí úkol za něj napsala Anička. Chlubí se cizím peřím"

       ("Petr did get a good    grade, but it was Anička who wrote his homework for him")

2) Dát někomu kopačky

(To give somebody football shoes)

         To break up with somebody

      ,,Jana už s Jirkou nechodí. Dala mu kopačky."

"Jana is not dating Jirka anymore. She broke up with him"


3) Být (zdravý) jako rybička

    Be healthy as a fish

    Be perfectly healthy

   ,,Eda měl chřipku, ale už je zase jako rybička."

(Eda had a flu, but now he's again....)

4) Mít na kahánku

To have (your life) on a miner's lamp

To be close to death, to be in a very serious life or death situation

,,Marie to nakonec přežila, ale měla na kahánku"

"Marie has survived it, but...."

"Srazit někomu hřebínek"  - (to knock somebody's comb off)

It means to put somebody in their place, humble them, make them less arrogant or boastful by reminding them of their limitations. To cut somebody down to size

"Házet flintu do žita" - To throw a rifle in rye , To give up 

Kolik jazyky mluvíte, tolikrát jste člověkem – How many languages you speak , just many times you are  human .

Mít pod čepicí  - you have something under your head, You are smart 


Prásknout do bot -  Flee run away


1.Až naprší a uschne

(When it rains and then dries)

Never, hardly ever.

,,Jistě, že to udělám. Ale až naprší a uschne"

,,Of course I'll do it. But when it rains and then dries." (Sarcasm. He'll never do it)

2. Jako by se nechumelilo

       (As if there was no blizzard)

-as if nothing happened, as if everything was alright. To pretend indifference

,,Pavel se se mnou pohádal, ale teď si se mnou povídá, jako by se nechumelilo."

,,Pavel argued with me, but now he still talks to me as if...."

Pranostika- a phrase that is connected to a year period, month or day. Was created by villagers, who didn't use calendars.

,,Na svatého Jiří vylézají hadi a štíři"

,,O svaté Tereze mráz po střechách leze"


1. Na každý pád

(In every [grammatical] case)

Definitely, 100%

,,Že mám tě na každý pád jedinou na světě rád"- sentence from a song

,,That in every case you're the only one in the world I love"

2) Nosit dříví do lesa

(To be bringing wood into the forest)

To be doing something redundant, unneccessary

,,Kupovat další knihu, když jich máš doma tolik nepřečtených je jako nosit dříví do lesa"

,,To buy a new book when you have plenty of unread books at home is like..."

Note. We can also say ,,nosit sovy do Atén"- ,,to be bringing owls into Athens"

3) Být trouba/ ty, troubo!

-trouba is a musical instrument- tube

-to be stupid, used when sb did smth stupid or doesn't understand obvious things; a very mild and common insult

,,Jak to, že to nechápeš? Ty jsi ale trouba!"

,,How come you not understand..."

4) Kam vítr, tam plášť

(Where the wind goes, the cloak [or cape] goes)

to be opportunistic, not having any ideals, but changing them according to what benefits you the most

,,Ten politik byl socialista, ale najednou kandiduje za pravicovou stranu, když zjistil, že mají mnohem více hlasů. Kam vítr, tam plášť"

,,The politician was a socialist, but now he's runnning for a right wind party, when he found out they had more votes"

1. Mít máslo na hlavě

       (To have butter on your head)

     to be guilty of something and hiding it.

,,Když jsme mluvili o lhaní, tak mlčel. Sám má máslo na hlavě."

(,,When we spoke about lying, he was quiet. He himself has a butter on his head")

2. Mít hlad jako vlk

       (to be hungry as a wolf)

       to be very, very hungry

    3. Lámání chleba

        (Breaking the bread, dividing the bread)

       a crucial moment, crucial decision

,,Když dojde na lámání chleba, chová se jako zbabělec."

(,,When it comes to breaking of the bread, he acts like a coward")

4. (Je to) na houby

     Houby- mushooms. 

     It sucks, it's really bad, it's uselless

     ,,To auto stojí skoro milión a je tak malé. To je na houby."

,,The car costs almost a milion and it's so small...."

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