Friday, July 12, 2024

Czech Grammar =


Notice about pronounciation:

-Jsem, jsi, jsme, jste- pronounced without j- sem, si, sme, ste

-notice the softening and ť, ď, ň (ti, di, ni, tě, dě, ně) soft pronounciation- TI, písNIčku, poTĚšila...

-mě pronounced with mn

-long vowels- PÍsničku, veseLÁ, nesPÁLÍ, BÁli

-Lávka pronounced with F (LA:FKA), because V and K are close and it's easier to pronounce F (note Let, led, vtip (f), trh (ch)...)


Ty- These





Terezka Barillová

1:29 PM

Můžeme si tykat

Terezka Barillová

1:30 PM





Terezka Barillová

1:33 PM


Milá auta

Milé děti

Auta byla

Děti byly





If it ends with 

-o is according to vzor MĚSTO

-e is either KUŘE or MOŘE

The difference is that in 2nd case KUŘE has ending -ETE (kuře, kuřete) and MOŘE -E (moře, moře)

But how to determine it when you're not a native speaker immediately knowing the 2nd case form? Well, usually, nouns according to KUŘE are  living things (usually animals or baby animals) and MOŘE are not living things.

But beware! There is no category of ŽIVOTNOST in neuter gender! This is just my advice to you


Declension of ,,osobní" pronouns (as we estabilished, nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals' forms are according to the cases)

1. Já

2. Mě 

3. Mně (mi)

4. Mě

5. -

6. Mně

7. Mnou


    1. Ty

    2. Tebe

    3. Tobě, Ti

    4. Tebe, Tě

    5. Ty!

    6. Tobě

    7. Tebou


  1. On

  2. Něj

  3. Mu, Jemu

  4. Ho

  5. -

  6. Něm

  7. Ním


1. Ona

2. Ní, 

3. Jí

4. Ji

5. -

6. Ní

7. Ní


1. Ono

2. Něj

3. Jemu

4. Ho

5. -

6. Něm

7. Ním


1. My

2. Nás

3. Nám

4. Nás

5. -

6. Nás

7. Námi


1. Vy

2. Vás

3. Vám

4. Vás

5. Vy!

6. Vás

7. Vámi

Oni, Ony, Ona

1. Oni, oni, ona

2. Nich

3. Jim

4. Je

5. -

6. Nich

7. Nimi

[13:26, 15/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: Dobré ráno, děkuji vám.

Thank you and thank you for your advice, I will do it and I'm sure that I'll get better soon.

Please revise the vzory and cases we have already done. Read please what I have written about instrumental case. Would it be possible that you could write a restaurant dialogue together where Savita would be the waiter and Indu the guest?

[13:30, 15/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: You can write any questions you have about the language etc to me today :) I may not be able to speak, but I will answer everything here. Please take is as a studying opportunity and if you have time think of some questions :)

[13:32, 15/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: Feminime gender vzory (just a quick preview):

1. After you determine that it's feminime, you don't need to care about životnost. As we have estabilished, the Czechs don't care if feminime gender things are alive :D No...2.  If it ends with -a it's ŽENA

     If it ends with -e, RŮŽE

     If it ends with a hard consonant, KOST

     If soft consonant, PÍSEŇ

Please look at the chart for endings of each vzor´! When a word is being declenched according to one vzor, the vzor is same for singular and plural, almost always!


The exception- TÝDEN (week)

In singular it's accordong to STROJ (týden, týdne- stroj, stroje)

in plural it's according to HRÁD

(Týdny like HRADY not ,,týdne" like STROJE)

But that' the only exception! :D


1st case- NOMINATIVE

2nd case- GENITIVE

3rd case- DATIVE

4th case- ACCUSATIVE

5th case- VOCATIVE

6th case- LOCATIVE




Question: (s) KÝM, (s) ČÍM?

- used as: 

- instrument, a mean, a tool or a way (Píšu perem- I write with a pen)

- accompaniament- S (WITH)- (Jdu na procházku s Václavem- I go for a walk with Václav)

- means of transport (jedu autobusem, letím letadlemy- I go by bus, I fly by plane...)

- Sometimes roles and professions

       (,,jeho bratr je doktorem", but MORE COMMOMLY nominative ,,jeho bratr je doktor")


Short guide to determining ,,vzor" in masculine gender words

1) determine if it's a masculine gender

2) If it's masculine, determine whether it's životný or neživotný

3) If neživotný, look at the ending of the word

a) if it ends with a hard consonant- HRAD

b) soft consonant- STROJ

4) If it's životný

a) hard consonant- pán

b) soft consonant- muž

c) -a- předseda

d)- e- soudce


If it's obojetný- B, F, L, M, P, S, V, Z 

(With Indu we learnt the short ditty that children learn in Czech schools to remember it- BeFeLeMe pes se veze)

it can be either pán or muž

                           hrad or stroj

For example

Páv (peacock) is according to vzor Pán (1st case páv, 2nd case páva- pán, pána)

Přítel (friend) is according to Muž (přítel, přítele- muž, muže) 

Důl is according to Hrad (důl, dolu- hrad,hradu)

Cíl (goal, finish) is according to stroj (cíl, cíle- stroj, stroje)

In those cases (don't worry, there's not much :D), you have to remember.

Then it's done according to the 2nd case, therefore:

if it's životný and 2nd case ends with -a- it's PÁN, if with -e it's MUŽ

If it's neživotný and 2nd case ends with -u it's HRAD, with -e STROJ

How do we determine what vzor it is in that case if we don't know what the second cases of all words are? Well, it's a little tricky, it can be done only with practise, reading, listening and generally encoutering the words and their forms. But don't worry, if you don't know which vzor to use- it's a difficult matter and you'll know with practise- and it's not such a big mistake. :)

There is a couple of maculine neživotný nouns who are according to vzor HRAD, but in 2nd case end with -a instead of -u.

SÝR- cheese(SÝRA), KOSTEL- church (KOSTELA), MLÝN- mill (MLÝNA), VČELÍN (apiary)- (VČELÍNA)

I'm telling you, so you wouldn't be surprised that those exceptions exist :)


[13:54, 08/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: Both MUSET and MOCI are followed by an infinitive

Musím VAŘIT jídlo

Můžu to ČÍST?

[13:55, 08/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: MÍT RÁD is never followed by an infinitive, only by a noun

Mám rád TENIS.

Mám rád HRANÍ tenisu.

(Hraní means playing, but it's a noun, not a verb)


omorrow we're also going to look at how to pronounce Ď, Ť, Ň (and DI, TI, NI) properly :)

You can practise it on these logopedic ditties at home:

1. Děda dělá dětem lodě,

       děti s nimi chodí k vodě

       dívají se za lodí,

       jak na vodě závodí

      ( Grandpa makes ships for children, children take them to the river. They watch how the ships are competing)

2. Otík volá Toníka:

        ,,Toníku, mám koníka!"

        ,,Jakého, Otíku?"

        ,,Pěkného, Toníku"

        (Otík calls Toník, Toník, I have a little horse. Which, Otík? Nice one, Toník"


 Plural of the 1st case (nominative):


Singular- Pán

Aditional explanation:

How to know which ,,vzor" to use?

Well, first it's important to know what a ,,vzor" is. In Czech there are declension groups according to which you put nouns into different forms when they are in different cases- you add different endings. There is always one word chosen as a representative of the group. Pán- masculine životný hard, Muž- masculine životný soft...etc.

So how to know which group, which vzor to choose?

1) At first, we need to know whether the word is masculine, feminime or neuter

2) If it's masculine, we need to know whether it's životný or neživotný. In the vast majority of cases, životný is for the ones that are living, animate- chlapec, pán, doktor, pes... and neživotný for inanimate- stůl, sešit, bonbón... (exceptions include not very frequent words- sněhulák- snowman, strašák- scarecrow, duch- ghost- they somehow resemble a human form and therefore are životný)

3) When we know that it's masculine and životný, there are 4 vzory, 4 declension groups.

A) Pán- for words ending with a hard consonant- kluk, bratr, ministr, doktor, člověk

B) Muž- soft consonant. Chlapec, otec...

,,obojetné" can belong to either group. Pes- pán, přítel, učitel- muž

C) Předseda (chairman) When it ends with -a. Nezbeda, Honza, Eda, strejda...

D) Soudce (judge) When it ends with -e. Zrádce, správce


Plural- Páni/ Pánové (-i or -ové)

(Interesting fact- ,,páni!" is also how to say ,,wow!" in Czech


Singular- muž

Plural- muži/ mužové (-i, -ové)


Singular- předseda 

Plural- předsedové (-ové)


Singular- soudce

Plural- soudci/soudcové (-i, -ové)

[14:35, 11/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: Zvratná slovesa 

Verbs with se, si

Zvratné sloveso= reflexivum

Verbs with si and se are called ,,zvratná slovesa". The ,,si" and ,,se" in them (si and se are parts of the verb and cannot be separated from them without changing the meaning) indicate that the action expressed by the verb is connected to oneself (myself, yourself, herself, themselves etc...)

!!! The si and se are parts of the verbs and have to be used in all persons when conjugating!!!



Verbs conected to oneself, action by oneself, to oneself

Mýt nádobí- wash the dishes

Mýt se- wash oneself

Oblékat panenku- dress a doll

Oblékat se- dress oneself

Přátelit se- to be friends with (the action concerns for than one person, each other)

Some verbs only exist with ,,se" and there is no explanation based on meaning:

Bát se- to be scared, smát se- to laugh


Often to oneself

Zpívat si- to sing to yourself (to nobody else)

Číst si- to read to yourself (and nobody else) × číst dětem (without si, read to the children)

More than one subject:

Rozumět si- understand each other, dopisovat si (write letters to each other)

Without explanation derived from the maning

Stěžovat si- to complain


[14:39, 11/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: You can see it's a complicated issue. As the language evolved, verbs changed their meaning and it seems there is no universal rule for si and se.

Let us, for now, just remember the difference between verbs (that can be both with se, si or without se, si) when they have si or se and when they don't.

Se, si is in that case an action related to oneself- to the person who is the subject to the verb (vařit dětem× vařit si)

! Let's just remember that in Czech there is a lot of zvratná slovesa with si and se and that we have to use si and se in every person while conjugating and it cannot be separated!

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