Friday, July 12, 2024

Czech = Home work

[13:26, 15/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: Dobré ráno, děkuji vám.

Thank you and thank you for your advice, I will do it and I'm sure that I'll get better soon.

Please revise the vzory and cases we have already done. Read please what I have written about instrumental case. Would it be possible that you could write a restaurant dialogue together where Savita would be the waiter and Indu the guest?

[13:30, 15/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: You can write any questions you have about the language etc to me today :) I may not be able to speak, but I will answer everything here. Please take is as a studying opportunity and if you have time think of some questions :)

[13:32, 15/07/2024] +420 778 769 442: Feminime gender vzory (just a quick preview):

1. After you determine that it's feminime, you don't need to care about životnost. As we have estabilished, the Czechs don't care if feminime gender things are alive :D No...2.  If it ends with -a it's ŽENA

     If it ends with -e, RŮŽE

     If it ends with a hard consonant, KOST

     If soft consonant, PÍSEŇ

Please look at the chart for endings of each vzor

Domácí úkol:


Say in which case (1,3,5) the words in brackets are

1) (Kamaráde), jak se máš?

2) (Pes) je moc milé zvíře

3) Dám tu knihu (Pavlovi)

4) Půjdu ke (Kateřině) domů

5) Půjčíš mi pero, (Eduarde)?

6) Tamto je červený (sešit).

7) (Pane učiteli), rozumím tomu.


Write at least three sentences using the three cases (you can write it English as situations)

Domácí úkol

1) Connect the adjectives we learnt today (velký, malý, starý, mladý, nový, složitý...) with vocabulary we have already learnt (animals, family etc.) 

2) Write three situations on sentences in which we would use the sixths case- locative. Also write one sentence with 1st case (nominative), one with 3rd case (dative) and one with 5th case (vocative)

3) Write three sentences about what you or somebody else likes or doesn't like (mít/nemít rád)

4) Listen to the song Severní vítr from the movie Vrchní, prchni! that I sent you and prepare your thoughts or feelings (or interpretations) about the text. This can be short



1) Try to conjugate verbs: psát (to write), jít (to go) vidět (to see)

2) write one word each for

Jaký, Kdo, Co dělá, Kde, Kdy



1) Write a short text about your time schedule using vocabulary that we have learnt. E.g. what you do on Saturday evening, in Winter, on Mondays, in the afternoons....)

We will also have a conversation about it the next lesson

2) Conjugate the verbs- chtít, mluvit, říkat


Děkuji za dnešní hodinu!

The verbs for conjugation- vědět, myslet, pracovat


Homework: :)

1) Conjugate vědět, myslet and pracovat

2) Say which vzor are those nouns (all are of masculine gender)

kovář (blacksmith), podvodník (conman), výlet (trip), klíč (key), sněhulák (snowman), slon (elephant), lhář (liar), Honza, průvodce (tour guide), trůn (throne), míč (ball), nezbeda (a naughty kid)


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