Sunday, August 4, 2024

Maghai Paan - English _ Flash Back

 Maghai Paan

What Days Were Those

What Evenings Were Those

When I And My Friend Rakesh Mittal

(Who Passed Away On 01.01.1979

In A Road Accident)

Together Used To Eat

120 Number

Maghai Paan

With The Betel Leaf In Our Mouths On Winter Evenings

We Used To Roam

On The Roads For A Long Time

In Gandhi Nagar


There Was Revati Paan Seller's Shop

Often We Used To Eat Paan On Credit


In Return For Reciting Poems Or

Presenting Our Favorite Program 'Manbhavan'

On Delhi Radio Station

When We Received

A Cheque Of 75 Rupees

We Paid Off The Paan Seller's Debt

In Those Days

There Was A Different Pleasure In Vagabonding

That Was A Beautiful Phase Of My Life

For Many Years In My Life

I Continued Eating Betel Paan


The Aroma Of Those Credit

Maghai Paans

Is Still Fresh

In My Mouth Today.

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