Monday, July 19, 2021

पुस्तक परिचय - Voltaire’s Alphabet of Wit


Voltaire was a French writer who wrote in almost all the literary forms . He was famous for his wit .Today I am giving introduction of this rare book of Voltaire . I am also quoting one article from this book so that readers may get a glimpse of it and may go ahead to read this book if they wish

Article : Self -Love

A beggar in Madrid was asking alms ; a passer-by said to him , “ Are’nt you ashamed to beg like this , when you can work ? “ “ Sir “, replied the mendicant . “ I ask you for money , not advice ,”and he turned his back with true Castilian dignity.The beggar was haughty ; his vanity was easily wounded ; he asked alms out of self -love , and would not suffer reprimand out of even greater self – love.

A missionary in India saw a fakir loaded with chains , naked as an ape , lying on his belly and lashing himself for the sins of his fellows , who gave him coins .” What self – renouncement ! “ said a spectator . “Self – renouncement !” repeated the fakir scornfully , “ I lash myself in this world only to serve you the same in the next when you will be the horse and I the rider .

Whoever said that self -love is the basis of all our emotions and actions was right ; it isn’t necessary to prove that men have faces nor that they possess self -love .It is the instrument of our preservation : it is like a provision for perpetuating mankind ; it is essential , it is dear to us , it is delightful , and it should be hidden .

Book Name – Voltaire’s Alphabet of Wit

Writer - Voltaire

Language – English

Publisher – The Peter Pauper Press , NY

Edited And illustrated by – Paul McPharlin

Publication Year – 1945 , 1946 , 1955


Copyright - Peter Pauper Press

Number of Pages -62

Total Articles - 40

Binding – Hardcover

Price - Not found 

Size – 4.2 " x 7.2 "

Presented by - Indukant Angiras