Thursday, January 18, 2024

Flash Back - English - Carrot delight


Carrot delight / Carrot magic /Grandma's Carrot symphony /Grandma's Carrot Treat

In Delhi's winter chill

My grandma often skillfully brewed

A carrot delight, a halwa treat

Grating carrots tirelessly

Many carrots in the mix

Then, for almost 2-3 hours

Simmering transformed them into halwa

On the stove's gentle flame

And then

It was ready to be savored

Warm, tempting carrot halwa

A certain portion

Each morning graced our breakfast table

Yet, never enough

Grandma would often stash some away

In a secret container

And in the noon, when grandma napped

I would sneakily retrieve

That halwa pot

Cleaning it meticulously

50-100 grams of halwa

So grandma stayed unaware

But till this day, I haven't figured out

Why grandma would softly smile?

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